Sunday, November 22, 2009


This has been a busy month (and I am now seeing that busy is a reoccuring theme), but I have gone to a conferences on teaching and learning and learned a lot!! I will be modifying my courses over the next few semesters based on the new stuff I learned and great ideas that were shared.
I am avoiding studying right now for my statistics exam this evening -- wow, stats is not a fun course for me!! I understand the math, but need reinforcement in the application - when to choose a specific test and what the results mean.
KC has decided to swim for the school this season in sports -- he has practice everyday - sometimes twice a day - before and after school.
Jack just turned 3 -- just a few days ago -- November 19th was his 3rd birthday -- time really flies, huh.
Larry and I are enjoying seeing the boys growing!
November's holiday is Thanksgiving here in the US. We take the day to give thanks for all we have - traditionally it is a harvest festival and is associated with the Native Americans (Indians). If I remember right, (I think Mia's presentation) there are similar festivals for indigenous Taiwanese people.
I hope you aren't working too hard - especially if you have to make up days for H1N1 issues.
Talk to you soon,
Happy Thanksgiving (I am thankful for all of you!!)
Well, back to studying