Monday, September 10, 2012

September 2012

Wow. It is turning to beautiful Fall weather here. A few of the leaves are starting to change colors, the nights are getting cooler (I can sleep with the windows open and need a blanket), and it is back to school time!! I bet you are all back to school enjoying your new students and hopefully using any and all of the new skills and knowledge you gained this summer. It is hard to believe that you were here just a short month ago. 

Since you have left, I have taken KC up to college. Some of you may recognize the Mackinaw Bridge he had to drive over to get to the Upper Peninsula.  He lives in the dorms and has been to two weeks of classes. He says all is good and he is not too challenged yet. I am so proud of him. He is missing 'regular' food and is not excited about the food in the dorms any longer.  

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

March 2012

Our weather has been unseasonably warm!! Normally we have snow and cold weather in February and March. This year I have not worn a coat a few days already this month and have enjoyed going for walks on my lunch break! It has been lovely.

Jack is enjoying the weather as well. He has been playing outside with friends. There are a few boys in the neighborhood who are around the same age as he is. Jack is going to start Kindergarten in the Fall. Tonight we are going to Kindergarten Round-Up tonight so he can see the school, we can get info, and get his signed up and ready to go!!

KC is counting down the days to graduation. I am dreading the days until I no longer have my baby at home when he goes away to college -- believe me -- next year I will be a basket case!!
((idiomatic, slang, potentially offensive) One made powerless or ineffective, as by nerves, panic or stress.
She was a complete basket case the morning of her wedding.)

We are all looking forward to vacation - -SPRING BREAK!! - to Myrtle Beach South Carolina at the end of the month. Can't wait to show you pictures from that.

I want to see pictures of your New Year celebrations! Time is flying fast -- I just asked about New Year's and we are already planning the schedule for the summer. I can't wait to see you then!!


Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Winter 2011-2012

I can't believe it is almost February!!

Happy Chinese New Year!! I hope you enjoy the new year -- year of the Dragon, right? What does that mean for this year? I hope you also enjoy the time off -- you get a vacation now right?
I received a nice card from Apple reminding of the New Year. It is amazing how fast time flies!!

KC just turned 18 this last weekend. He is getting ready to end his senior year in high school and off to college in the Fall! I can't believe it!! Check out how handsome he looks in the pictures below. He said he wanted senior pictures with his soccer uniform and with his brother! So cute!!

Jack is 5 and loving school. He is learning how to read, recognize, and draw his letters. He is already excelling at Math -- he like to play board games and adds the value of the dice when we roll. It is amazing how those things slowly progress then all of a sudden he knows it all ;)

I have stalled on my dissertation -- I keep saying I have to get a topic and then I will be off and running -- I just can't seem to get started --- yet -- I will do it soon!!!

The weather here has been unseasonably warm -- we haven't had any snow really except for one day. KC is sad -- he wants to shovel snow and get paid by the neighbors to do clean up their driveways and sidewalks.

I hope all is going well with you and I can't wait to hear about trips and the fun things you do on your vacation.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


How is the year almost over already??!!??

We are getting ready for Christmas and the end of the semester.

KC is taking exams (at this very moment) marking the end of the first trimester of his senior year. He is getting closer and closer to finishing school and on to college. I will be having such a rough time next year without him here. But he needs to go on his own and become the man he will be. I am so proud of him.

Jack is cute as ever and just had his 5th birthday. We took him and some of his friends (and his 'girlfriend') to a bounce house (with huge inflatables) to celebrate.

I am sloooooooooowly working on my dissertation, but met with my adviser last week, so hopefully I will push myself over break to get the momentum started.

We have celebrated a few holidays lately.
Halloween -- Jack was convinced he wanted to be a policeman for Halloween, so I went online bought him a costume. I also found a badge and tool belt with the flashlight, gun, and other tools for a policeman. Then about a week before Halloween we saw a police car that had pulled over someone right near his school. We parked in the school parking lot and got out of the car just as the police officer was pulling away from the other car. We waved to him and he also pulled into the lot and came over and talked to Jack. Jack told him he wanted to be a 'police' for Halloween, so the officer gave Jack a badge. It was very exciting for him. So we were all on track and excited for Halloween. Then on the night before Halloween, Jack said he didn't want to be a cop anymore. He wanted to be a robot. WHAT!! I couldn't make a robot costume the night before. So we talked it through and finally came to the agreement that we could make an iPad costume -- see the picture below! He had a great time and it was such a hit!

We also just celebrated Thanksgiving. I am thankful for my boys and the time to spend with them. We made a turkey dinner for the three of us and spent the day being lazy together :) We had turkey, mashed potatoes and gravy, sweet potatoes, stuffing, corn, carrots, rolls, pumpkin pie and a pudding trifle that Jack made. There was so much food, we ate on Thursday (Thanksgiving) as well as a whole meal of leftovers on Saturday.

I am thankful for my family, my job, my teaching, my students, and my education. Thank you for being part of that :)

Take care,

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Dear all,
The year is just flying by. It seems as if you were all here just the other day. It makes me sad that I didn't get to see you all in a class, but it was nice to see you at some of the events and in the dorms. I hope school is going well for you.
This semester is going great for me. I really like working with the Faculty here at Wayne State. I have been adding to my technology skills and convincing others to do the same. I hope you are all doing that too -- with all the skills and knowledge you have, please be the leader in your school!!!

I am working on my dissertation. I plan to finish it next year (If I tell enough people then maybe I will stick to that deadline). My plan is to finish December of 2012!! Commencements are right before my birthday so that is a great milestone to try to reach.
I am also continuing to teach online and love it!! Hopefully this summer we can work something out so that I can teach one of your courses or at the very least we can have a meal together at my house (since it didn't work this year) :(

KC is doing well. He is in his last year of High School. He is looking at colleges and send in his application to attend Northern Michigan University (that is where I went for my Bachelor's). He was accepted and awarded a $2000/year scholarship for 4 years!! yeah KC!!!
He is also pretty busy right now with this job cutting lawns and shoveling snow (well no snow yet, but soon).
He is also having fun playing soccer. His high school team has done very well and we are in the middle of playoffs right now. The team won districts, now we are into regionals, next week (when we keep winning) it is on to States!!

Jack is as cute as ever. Growing so fast, learning so much. He is doing very well at pre-school and will start Kindergarten next year. He is quite the social butterfly and tells me he already has a girlfriend ;)
He was also playing soccer this season -- like his brother (see picture below).
He is looking forward to Halloween and wants to dress up as a "policeman." Halloween is next week, so I will have to send you a picture in next month's Blog.

All in all, everything is good. I hope it is good with all of you.
Miss you,

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Well it is back to school. KC has started his final year of highschool, he is a senior. He is jumping right in with Advanced Placement courses which can be counted for college credit. He is playing soccer. He is getting ready for Homecoming next week. Homecoming is our Fall celebration, which includes inviting alumni back to their school to see what is new, what your other alumni have been up to, enjoy the start of fall, and view the football game.

Jack is almost 5 - he could have started Kindergarten this year, but I decided I don't want my baby to grow up too fast. So he is in the Pre-K group at his daycare. I have found there is no reason to push students into learning -- he will be a student for a long time in his near future. Let him just be kid right now!! He is playing soccer (there is a picture of him in his uniform below). He is also continuing to have fun with taking pictures (check out the self portrait below too).

I am just as busy as ever. I still meet with my study group each week and they are encouraging me to stay on track to finish my PhD -- maybe someday I will be Dr. Stacey :) I am really loving my job at Wayne State in the Office for Teaching and Learning. Working with the faculty is a new question every day. But I like that challenge.

I really missed having you all to dinner at my home this year. Next year we need to make sure we plan it early and are able to enjoy that time together.

I will talk to you next month. Please let me know if you have any questions or want me to talk about anything in particular.


Monday, June 27, 2011


The boys and I just got back from vacation -- see pictures attached. We went to Disneyland for 3 days then up to San Francisco for 4 days. We had a great time!!

K.C. just finished his Junior year and is looking for work to do this summer. Jack is 4 -- four and half if you ask him :) He is doing good.
I have been busy with classes, work, and everything that normally goes on!!

Can't wait to see you in a few weeks!!